LiveWell Colorado: Non-Profit Public Affairs
LiveWell Colorado, a non-profit, partnered with CRL to help in their mission to reduce obesity across the State. With a focus on their Policy and Strategy Support (PASS) Project, CRL and LiveWell Colorado selected three individual pilot wellness projects across the State and began the efforts required to bring these projects to life for the benefit of Colorado’s residents. The largest success of the PASS project came in identifying funding for a recreation center in Denver’s Westwood neighborhood, a plan that had been stalled for over a decade. CRL worked with the Westwood Community, LiveWell Colorado and the District Council Office to craft an effective community organizing campaign. The key funding mechanism identified for this recreation center was the City’s general obligation bond process, but due to the significant cost ($37.5 Million) the odds were stacked against inclusion of the project. Through multiple meetings with elected and appointed officials, the collecting of public comment within critical planning documents, raising awareness via traditional and social media, and inclusion of key stakeholders within decision-making panels, the full project cost was ultimately included in the 2017 GO bond package.