Denver’s “Next Stage” Plan for the Performing Arts Complex
“The Next Stage: A Plan for the Denver Performing Arts Complex” (DPAC) is an effort led by the City and County of Denver to re-imagine the City’s well-loved performing arts hub as it approaches its fifty year anniversary.
The DPAC, a four-block, 12-acre site, contains ten different performance spaces with over 10,000 seats, at present, for arts events. As the City has grown, though, and the downtown environment has taken new shape in the last several decades, the Complex’s operators recognize the need to evolve in order to suit the audience and arts platforms of the future.
CRL assisted the Department of Arts and Venues (DAV) in crafting a large scale public outreach process, building support for the vision plan that calls for a more enlivened, mixed-use arts complex as part of the larger Downtown growth trajectory. The firm is currently working with DAV through a Funding and Governance process with community members, resident companies and multiple city agencies. As part of this process CRL helped craft a public-private-partnership model for advancing this project into full development, creating more immediate, fast-paced redevelopment potential for the ultimate benefit of the Denver community.